Sunday, 14 August 2011

Best of season, so far!

This report is from the 28th July, yeah I know a bit late!
A trip to the eastern end of the normal fishing marks proved the right choice. I was all set to meet up with Mark Padfield & Joe Sepi (Lure Fishing For Bass), but the wind and weather changed the night before which gave way to a visit to the area we ended up at, (right choice Mark, Marks idea).
Northerly winds & a small tide didn't give the most hope, but you've got to keep fishing! A good 3 mile round trip from the car to fish.
Great day for a walk!
Well , great day to be fishing, a golden ticket. My best of season at 64cm / 6lb, another one of around 2.5lb off the top. Hooked and lost another off the top then ran out of water on what would have been a PB! One hell of a splash and hump/spines up and out the water at my Gunfish. A good 8lb fish, missed chance, but next time......
Mark had 3 bass to 4.5lb, Joe had 6 bass, a couple at 60-62cm (6lb).
Almost forgot the wrasse & pollock, lost count on those!
A custom painted Feed Shallow took the bass below, and off the top work was done with the Gunfish.

Joe & I went again the next day.....2am alarm, long, long walk in the dark to find the wind had swung again. This time east...........No bass, just macky & non-stop pollock.


  1. Congratulations on such a good day, a nice bass of the first photo.
    I see you were in good company.



About Me

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My name is Richard and I have been fishing for over thiry years. Some might say I was born with a fishing rod in my hand. I have fished my way through chalk stream trout to beach fishing for cod, and of course living so close to Weymouth, one of the largest charter boat fleets in England I have to fish a few charter boat trips a year. I have had the pleasure of bass fishing in France to fishing the Atlantic surf of Co. Clare, Eire. My fascination continues with the sea and the casting of plastic trying to fool the fish to attack my plastic lures.